Utilities of Point of Sale Touch Screen Software by VRP Revealed

“VRP introduces a point of sale touch screen software that eliminates all needs of manual execution in sales management and allots easy access to the company’s sales database.”

Visual Retail Plus introduces touch screen point of sale software. The company’s inspiration beyond development of this program is the theme, ‘hands-on-control’. With touch screen facility, businesspeople can maintain hands-on-control over every segment of their trade. Sales and inventory may be easily controlled with this program, says Visual Retail Plus team. Security in database accession and lowering of employee scams can be initiated with this POS software. A speedy and streamlined checkout is facilitated to consumers through this point of sale touch screen software. Advanced reports and intuitive touch screen specs help a trade in achieving its maximized ROI immediately, as claimed by VRP personnel at their latest press conference.

When inquired about the new touch screen technology, a moderator at VRP says, “VRP’s touch screen technology is fast and effective and promotes a more convenient usage of the program by naïve consumers. Tracing and administration are easily facilitated by our program with control-in-hand”. With multiple companies springing round the same theme and selling similar sort of products, a consumer is left perplexed over his decisions to choose any one amongst them. Thus, a customer point out to other significant aspects of a company other than its quality of products, which include consistency in consumer support and technical assets used by the company, etc. This theory has been pointed out by successful online vendors, who encounter a tough competition from contemporary web merchants that grandly highlight their services over the web on which judgment and reviewing is difficult unless their products are tested in practice.

Definitely, a customer is not going to check/taste all products but instead choose a specific company to procure products from. This choice is made upon other attractive specs utilized by the vendor to attract, convince and satisfy consumers. Those operating e-commerce sites understand the significance of smooth functioning of the site and its tools. If dropping items to carts and making purchases consume ample time, a consumer may not return to the site for future purchases. A spokesperson at VRP says, “Keeping in mind the stiff competitive sphere that surround e-commerce sites, numerous designers and e-commerce site builders have signed up agreements with us through which they can incorporate our software in their sites at affordable rates”.

The touch screen technology of VRP has been well reviewed by consumers worldwide. VRP mainly emphasizes on its advanced implements, which directly or indirectly aid in augmentation of sales. Visual Retail Plus has focused on essentialities of online vendors for whom speediness, smoothness and accuracy are crucial factors to be integrated into their sites.

About Visual Retail Plus

Visual Retail Plus is a well-reviewed point of sale and store administration software developed by VRP group, who has an experience of over 20 years in this business. The company offers sturdy customer support services through which clients can get their queries and doubts solved easily. The touch screen point of sale retail software is innovative that facilitates speediness and convenience over usage of shopping carts and making purchases. VRP is reliable and have outdone its competitors in manufacturing and integrating point of sale retail programs.

Article Source: http://www.prweb.com/releases/visual-retail-plus/pos-touch-screen-software/prweb10716952.htm

Innovative Features Declared by VRP in Its Point of Sale Retail Software

VRP announces presence of innovative modules in its POS software that aids in managing sales and other relative facets of a business.

Visual Retail Plus declared an amalgamation of innovative features with conventionally necessitated modules in its advanced point of sale retail software. VRP updates the base of its software periodically in order to increase its functionality. Recently, VRP personnel were observed announcing addition of UPC (SKU) range that initiates security while getting inside the UPC range screens. Other additional feature added to the software is such that it helps improve speed and functionality. Security of servers is essential in managing a trade well. One cannot completely rely on staff with consumer profiles, sales records and companies’ private data, thus VRP adds that much needed layer of security such that the data can be accessed securely by selective few only. VRP has also introduced daily backup facilities that can restore older SQL databases, which are devoid of the option to compress.

A spokesperson of Visual Retail Plus says, “VRP’s new range of features has been chosen by our technical team under recommendations and suggestions of retailers who use our product. We have always paid heed to customers’ requirements in specific”. Point of sale retail software also has the efficiency to execute stores operations during polling. The program can create new users and new entries remotely and also allow electronic messaging. Smooth communication with consumers may indirectly help in raising trade’s sale count. Successful business professionals point out that most companies start ignoring queries and doubts of consumers as they observe an instant hike in their sales. However, this may bring down their reputation and lower sales count gradually. Specifically, reviews are written over customer support service of a company at online forums via which a client frames the reputation regarding the company’s reliability.

A moderator at Visual Retail Plus says, “We have added some beneficial features to our software, which targets the sales specs of a business”. Tracing sales, recording consumer information helps in marketing and promotion of a company’s products and services. A company’s representatives may get back to a client with a new range of products of his preference if his previous sales record is saved. A client may either like or dislike a particular service or product of a company, which if noted may aid a company in modifying its offerings accordingly. This also helps in tele-marketing as demographic information of consumers are stored. CRM experts point out that clients feel gratified if representatives react with them in a professional and caring way. The point of sale software retail has been declared as updated and re-defined by VRP at a recent press conference.

About Visual Retail Plus

Visual Retail Plus is an advanced point of sale retail software. The manufacturers update their software periodically. VRP is specifically well reviewed for its sturdy customer support. The company claims that their software will be augmented with more advanced specs soon. The company has been involved in this business for over two decades. The manufacturing team was closely associated with retailers, which inspired them to create user-friendly Pos software for sole benefit of retailers. Visual Retail Plus is motivated to continue with its superior range of products and services on behalf of positive response from all its consumers.

Article Source: http://www.prweb.com/releases/visual-retail-plus/pos-retail-software/prweb10695346.htm .

Visual Retail Plus Introduces an Advanced Pos Software with Core Features

Visual Retail Plus introduces a speedy, dependable and accurate store management and point of sale software that aims to administer all aspects of one’s business easily and automatically.

Visual Retail Plus brings reliable and appropriate software to administer all aspects of a trade. It is a Windows store management and point of sale solution that administers all segments of a business easily and speedily. Recently, several Point of sale companies have sprung up. Managing a trade is not that easy, especially when it mostly requires manual execution. But this point of sale program may automate most of the administrative segment of one’s business.
When one is operating business via an e-commerce website, they need to be more active in their CRM, else negative publicity on online forums can affect the business much adversely. After support service alongside the quality of products that is supplied becomes the backbone of any ecommerce business. CRM can be managed much effectively by reducing complaint response time and addressing queries/ requests with a touch of customization.
VRP Pos program works well over multi-store, multi-register trades. A moderator at VRP says, “VRP works with multiple operators in the USA who build & run e-commerce sites which incorporate our programs for an effective business strategy”. Visual Retail Plus has integrated several innovative features in its point of sale software. The software serves any type of vertical market with any quantity of assets. When VRP is incorporated in an e-commerce site it assures better functionality and smooth course of after sale events. A robust Pos program reduces stuff related expenses and lower pricy account overheads. One can also enhance communication with consumers and vendors with timely account and inventory data by integrating VRP. Checkout lines too can be speeded up with correct use of Visual Retail Plus.
Consumer relationship management is an integral part of any business and it demands consistency in communication, VRP assures that.A spokesperson at Visual Retail Plus says, “We have organized our Pos software in accordance to features necessitated by clients and their businesses”. Point of sale software mainly focuses on sales and the ways they can be augmented. Sales management emphasizes on increasing sales and inviting more customers to procure products. A record of customers can be kept with the help of point of sale program. Their preferences, likes and dislikes if noted can help manage sales. Tele marketing, online marketing and other sorts of promotional steps undertaken to prorogate a business’s assets to a wider group of people may be administered with an appropriate store management program.
About Visual Retail Plus
Visual Retail Plus Point of sale retail software is advantageous on certain terms. It allots different types of customization options such that it can be utilized conveniently to augment one’s business sales. VRP is manufactured by technicians who have experience working with a group of retailers and finally this product was brought out by them for sole benefit of retailers only. The software features various modules that is utilized in managing and organizing sales.

How to VRP Apparel Point of Sale System Helpful to Inventory Management?

In today’s fast paced world, having the right software for your business is imperative. It does not matter if you sell clothing or shoes, it is always important to have an accurate inventory and to know your flow of incoming and outgoing money. Most people think that it is just “go in the store, grab the item you want and get out”. The truth is, there is a whole lot more behind the door than you would think. A retailer looks for many capabilities in his software, may it be special orders, layaways, gift cards, customer management, coupons, markdowns, employee commission and more.Apparel Point of Sale

Visual Retail Plus is one of the suppliers of such Point of Sale software. They offer more than 80 different reports to run, such as Commission to check your employee sales, Hot and Cold to find out which items are selling and which are dead in the water, Profit, Red Level which will inform you which items are running low as far as On Hand, Daily Totals per different payments, Credit Card transactions and much more.

Their Customer management is also something not to overlook. Keep your customer information in your system by more than just Customer ID and or name. Customer information consists of full address, shipping address, purchase history, VIP points and more. So when you are selling apparel, and a customer comes up, it would be nice to know the customer purchase history and thus allowing you to suggest any sales you might be having on similar items. If you have multiple stores, how many times has this happened to you. A customer comes up with an item, and asks if you have that item in a different size. You can either go with the customer on the floor and spent a long time trying to see if you even have that item or you could just pull up the item in the inventory of your Point of Sale system, and check not just your store, but any other store that could have it.

Then either you can inform the customer where the item is and give them direction, or have the item shipped to the customer from the other location. Visual Retail Plus also supports coupons, markdowns and price changes. Some customers love coupons, as it allows them to save money, thus it is an incentive for them to come into your store. Markdowns or special sales, are always big for retailers, especially Apparel retailers. A sale like “Buy one get one half off” or something like that is always nice. When it comes to running your business, you need the tools to work for you, not against you. Point of Sale companies such as Visual Retail Plus provide that kind of product. So make sure that you are using the right tool for your Apparel retail.

Visual retail plus developed advanced featured Apparel Point of Sale software to maintain retail inventory properly. If you are seeking best point of sale for clothes store then visit now to the VRP.

VRP Point of Sale Touch Screen Solution

Amazing how 18 years ago or so most of us began using a mouse thinking it was the most amazing invention! Who would have thought that only a few years after making our lives so much easier the touch screen would become so common everywhere pushing the mouse aside. Visual Retail Plus was one of the first companies to develop a point of sale touch screen solution allowing sales personnel to simply and quickly conduct the sale by lightly tapping a screen.
VRP realized that having a touch screen point of sale not only allows the line to be shorter making the customer wait time as short as possible, it is a space saver. Retail stores want to have as much space to display items as possible and even more importantly to almost all retailers – have a clean look. Eliminating a mouse on the counter is not only saving space but it is one less wire to have dangling in what usually is a small area to navigate in as it is.
Point of sale touch screens is seen everywhere and it is now more and more common to have an additional screen in a store allowing customers to add their personal information. Visual Retail Plus encourages retailers to add an additional screen in the store or have the sales personnel walk around with a tablet and allow customers to enter their information. The customer’s information is then linked to the point of sale allowing them to acquire points via the Visual Retail Plus loyalty card point system.
Touch screen point of sale today is much more than a point of sale – it is a Store Management software. Visual Retail Plus’ touch screen point of sale also allows customers to punch in and punch out via the Time and Attendance. Having a unique username and password allows store managers to not only know exactly at what time an employee entered the store and took a break; commission, sales and loss prevention can be detected if the retailer requests that between every sale the employee needs to log in. There are many retailers today that use our biometrics integration which makes the logging in even quicker.
People used to be hesitant to purchase Point of Sale touch screen due to the durability. However, today’s technology allows retailers to have an All-in-One such as the Pioneer Stealth Touch S Line which is the computer inside the POS touchscreen along with the receipt printer, credit card swiper, biometrics and customer display. The all-in-one’s have a slender and modern look along with saving space on the counter, it also eliminates the need to put aside space on the floor for the computer itself.

Point of Sales Solution For Your Retail Necessities

Visual Retail Plus is a Point of Sales Solutions company based in Bergen County, NJ. We provide POS Software to handle all the needs of your retail store locally and abroad. It does not matter if you are a single shop or have multiple retail stores; our POS software can provide you with the customizations to meet all your needs. Our Point of Sales solution is targeted for any kind of retail outlet. Whether you are selling shoes, clothing, cookies, handbags, sporting goods, etc., VRP’s POS Software holds the solutions that can be modified to your specifications. VRP serves many different vertical markets. A vertical market is a group of comparable entities that trade based on particular needs.Point of Sales companies

Point of Sales companies has come a long way since the 1990’s. They were limited in functionality and communication. They worked primarily independently to each other leading to many errors and complications. Today, POS Software is completely integrated producing reliability, ease of use, high-speed, low-cost and seamless functionality.

VRP’s Point of Sale solution includes functions such as sales, returns, layaways, VIP loyalty programs, purchasing of Gift cards, coupons and multiple payment types. The hand held scanners make utilizing the POS software stress-free and easy to use.

At VRP, Security is just as important and it is easy to set up in the Back Office of the POS Software system. You can customize the access for your cashier, manager, financial analyst, etc.

Within the POS software you can create Purchase Orders through our POS System. It notifies you which are the hot and cold items; those items that are selling fast or not at all. This helps you make an informed decision to order more or less of an item. Some items are more popular during certain times of the year. With our POS software you can link your purchases seasonally.

Inside the Point of Sales Solution, VRP includes many modules to help you attain all your professional requirements. Some of the modules include Inventory, Financial Reporting, and a module to keep track of commissions. These are built directly into the POS Software. There is a Punch In/Punch Out clock to keep track of your employees’ time and who is at the register at any given moment during the day. This system benefits you in preventing theft and fraud within your organization.

There are many options available to you when using the Point of Sales Solution for your retail necessities. There are reports for Profit Margins, Aging, Price History, Commissions, Inventory Status, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and the list goes on.

Point of sale companies offers a wide range of possibilities to meet your specific needs; At Visual Retail Plus our belief is that no company is too small or too large. We can create a system to explicitly cater to your wants and requirements. We customize to create your own distinctive package. You can work with a representative of Visual Retail Plus to provide your company’s Point of Sales solutions and help you configure and maximize the greatest result for your business. Every day more and more retail outlets are signing up for POS Software; come and check out what all the buzz is about.

Point of Sale Retail Software to Manage Your Sales Inventory Easier

Retail Point of Sale software is used to process customer transactions for goods or services with ease. Point of Sale software is composed of hardware based on the needs of the retailer. Supermarkets use conveyor belts, barcode scanners, credit card processing terminals, pin pads and touch screen, whereas a shoe store might not need the conveyor belt. Point of Sale software such as Visual Retail Plus are designed to be used in different situations and configured to use the tools to improve your business. Point of Sale software is not just “sell your items to a customer and that’s it”, no. These systems can do much more. Inventory management to see what is hot, quantities, theft protection, what should be ordered and which store has what. E-Commerce for the evolving web (cloud) based sales, may it be from a computer website as the customer sits at home in his comfort or on the go with a handheld device. Employee management to see working hours and prevent employee theft.Retail point of sale software, Point of Sale Retail software

Visual Retail Plus is able to give many reports then just what is hot or how much did your store make during a certain time period. Attendance, commission, store comparison, dead items, customers, daily/monthly status and totals. This is just a very few of the reports that can be produced.

The biggest point for Point of Sale Retail software these days is the fact that everything or almost everything is in one place and no need to integrate or setup multiple things at once. Inventory, Sale screen, Time clock, administrative information and credit card details all in one place. Combine that with all in one PCs that have touch screen tied to the PC itself, with a credit card Swiper on the side, cash drawer attached below the computer and a pin pad for customers attached to it and you don’t truly have to struggle to make your sale. With a lot of things going to a web or cloud based productivity, having Point of Sale software that interacts with the web is essential to almost all retailers now. From purchasing items online, processing shipping or getting reports to your Smartphone, it is all through the internet. Need to check how much profit you have made over the past week in one of your stores, just go to the Point of Sale software website, pull-up the report, select date range and click run. Within seconds you have your store information on your Smartphone, while still lying comfortably in your bed.

At first glance though, it does look like getting Retail point of sale software for your computers might be expansive, but the return you can make back is exponential compared to what it cost you. No matter the size of your business, let it be a small mom and pops shop on the corner or country wide retailer, Point of Sale software can help you manage your sales much easier than struggling manually.

VRP Point of Sale Retail Company for Retail Store

Visual Retail Plus is a Point of Sales software company for retail stores which will set you up to get your company up and running in no time at all. When you use point of sale your company can set up their inventory using the hand held scanners to help you get organized. There are many options when creating your Back office within the point of sale software. We have multiple layers of detailed breakdowns. Visual Retail Plus offers such fields as classes, subclasses and sub sub-classes. These fields, which can be retitled to fit your company’s specifications, help you plan and maintain a comprehensive and organized list of your products and descriptions. Point of sale retail, Point of sale retail software, Point of sale software retail
The Point of Sale software offers many options in the back office. There is a button labeled Back Office and it offers many reports to keep track of your business’s revenue, inventory and expenses. There are Profit reports and Aging Reports to tell you exactly where you stand in your gross profit margin. The report lists your costs, amount charged and profit margin. These reports are very informative to maintain accurate information within your Point of sale software retail.
With our point of sale software within Visual Retail Plus, you can track when your business is at its busiest days and times. This is because sales are tracked by days and hours. This aids in making management decisions about when you need to increase the amount of personnel in a given shift.
Another important feature for retail companies is the need to know which items are not selling. These are referred to as dead items. Visual Retail plus offers a report titled Dead Item allowing management to run this report to see what is not selling well and helps give an informed idea as to make the decision to either reduce the sale price and/or no longer order said products.
If you offer your salespersons commissions we offer a report to track and calculate Commissions and Salaries. Our point of sales software allows you to set up reps and decide if they will receive a commission and at what rate or percentage. In the back office the report displays who sold, how much and what commission they should be receiving, in any. This prevents false claims of commissions owed and offers tighter security.
Also with the point of sales software offered by Visual Retail Plus, the touch screen and scanners are easy to use and is a user-friendly way to process your purchases. You can check out purchases with multiple methods of payments including cash, credit cards, gift cards, in-house store credit, check, VIP point system or a combination of any of the above. We make offering layaways easy; with a click of the button a customer can put down a small down payment and hold their purchases. In this economy this option has been making a comeback and greatly benefits the customers and keeps your sales activity.
It is easy to see how our point of sales software can meet all your retail needs. Contact us today and set up an appointment.
Visual Retail plus offers Point of sale retail software with advanced features which developed by experts. If you are seeking point of sale retail software to your store inventory management then VRP one of the best place.

The Importance of a Computerized Point of Sale in the Apparel Industry

Imagine this: You have a small family business of a few stores selling high end apparel, shoes, and possibly accessories. Your goal is to have good products, at margin that you can live with, and loyal customers that like your stores because of the selection and the service. Point of sale for clothes

Mrs. Smith comes to visit, sees the dress that is perfect for her next event, and wants to know if you have it in her size (as an expert, you know the size, and need quickly to check if it is available). With a managed inventory of the cloths that you sell, the answer is immediate, accurate and satisfying. The apparel point of sale connects to your server that is constantly updated by the other stores, and you tell Mrs. Smith that the dress is available, or is available at another location and can be sent to her home to try it on.

A good apparel point of sale, combined with a good salesperson, will also provide information to Mrs. Smith about the matching accessories, matching shoes (and their available sizes) and similar colors that may not be displayed on the sales floor.

Same rules apply for any type of merchandise, including shoes, hats, belts, jewelry and any item that comes in different variations of size, color, width, inseam, length etc.

In addition to the ability to tell the customer what is available, a good point of sale system will recommend the retailer regarding inter-store transfers. Considering the volume of sales and percentage of items sold, the system can come with recommendations for merchandise transfer, making sure that a complete size scale is available wherever possible, consider buying habits by style and color when the stores are located in concentrations of different ethnic groups etc.

The saving of time, better service provided, knowing exactly what to transfer between locations, knowing what your customer habits are, each one and all combined, can be analyzed and come up with a smart ordering system.

The apparel point of sale is a tool that reports to the main data depository at headquarters, where purchase orders are created. The biggest dilemma of a retailer is what to order or re-order. Having a chain of stores makes it impossible to order by the hunch correctly. In this competitive time, a piece of inventory that was not sold in time may never be sold for profit, and the path to minimizing the painful excess inventory starts with smart ordering. The only way to scientifically order the right quantities from the right sizes, colors, and departments, is to have intelligent, modern apparel and shoes point of sale system (POS).

On top of all that, if a retailer uses eCommerce and sells to the big markets like Amazon, knowing the availability of merchandise is critical.

When an item sold can’t be delivered, the retailer’s rating dives sharply, and may be banned from the greatest markets, a controlled inventory system, where updates are driven and funneled from the apparel and shoes point of sale computerized system to the main server and from there uploaded to the markets, keeps everybody happy; the retailer, the customer and the markets.

Mrs. Smith tried the dress on at home, liked it, was very happy, came to the store to pay and added a beautiful pearl necklace with matching earrings, and a pair of knee-high winter boots. Everybody is happy.

Visual retail plus one of the best place to get the computerized Apparel point of sale, Point of sale for clothes industry. If you re seeking best point of sale retail software then visit to VRP for more info.

Point of Sale Touch Screens System For Retailers

In today’s fast paced word, ease of use and time management is important. Who has the time to stay on the register at a store as the clerk is trying to use a keyboard and mouse to ring your items up? So how can you fix this? Point of Sales Touch Screen System. Point of sale touch screen system is retail software designed to work with or without the use of keyboard or mouse and can be navigated with just few touches on the screen. Just imagine coming up to a register, and the clerk just touches the screen a few times and your item is displayed and asking for a payment.

There is no fumbling with the mouse or keyboard, trying to see where the mouse pointer is or if you are typing in the correct field. Companies such as Visual Retail Plus develop such application for retailers. The ease and setup of the program can be compared to that of a touch tablet. You have icons that have their own functions and perform as needed. No complex commands or knowledge of the computer itself needed to navigate and use the system. Having a touch screen and no keyboard or mouse is also a security improvement on the Point of Sale system.

The touch screen enables you to use only what is on the screen itself, where as having access to a keyboard can cause issues. Another point of interest is the time saved when training new employees on how to use the Point of Sale machine. All the clerk has to do is start the program, log in and go. Visual Retail Plus offers training videos on their site, which show you just some of the features they provide and how to use them. Do not think that just because the touch screen system is made to be easy to use, that it does not provide business solutions to run your retail store.

Point of sale touch screen, inventory matrix for your store and all your other store locations, employee information and time clock, and loss prevention is just a scratch of the functions that can be performed in the system. Security rights can be assigned to different employees or employee groups that allows them to access only certain areas of the program and lets you rest peacefully knowing your money and inventory is safe. If you are a retailer, and do not use a touch screen point of sale, it is something I would recommend thinking over as it does help the business a lot.