Visual Retail Plus Inventory Management System

Inventory management is a key reason for cost reduction. Having just-enough inventory to offer customers purchases need, brings the customers over and again back to the store. A disappointment shopper that made it all the way just to find out that the needed size is sold out, will drive the customer to the competition and might result in a lost customer forever.

To ensure accuracy and continuous customer satisfaction, a smart retailer can create smallest and largest level, aka Red Level and Max level. VRP (Visual Retail Plus) inventory management software provides the tools to automatically generate these levels, and takes the calculation burden and the time-consuming process off the buyer.

To generate the needed levels, Visual Retail Plus calculates the pace of selling in the selected period, the time that it takes to get new merchandise from the vendor, and creates a level for each item to the smallest detail of color, size and other dimensions if exist.

Once the inventory management system of Visual Retail Plus is applied, the buyer can create an order based on the levels created by the inventory management software. There are 2 options to handle the orders: One is to ask across the board all items that went below the red level, and the other, to ask filling order level into already selected items existing on a particular PO. During this process, the same items that went below the least level are checked to see it they exist on another order and eliminating duplicate ordering. An important factor added to Visual Retail plus Inventory Management system is the consideration for other by orders’ cancel date. When creating an order, the buyer can dictate that an order with a cancel date in the far future is not considered as on-order.

However, Inventory Management using just computer software is not enough. Inventory gets lost, misplaced and unfortunately stolen. As a result, the ordering level may be inaccurate, automatic ask for transfer between locations generates requests that can’t be fulfilled, and customer satisfaction becomes questionable. It is imperative that physical inventory count (stock-take) is performed periodically. Visual Retail Plus provides means to do physical counting with superb accuracy, and provides men-power equipped with wireless bar code scanner, and an expert with them to complete a successful count.

The inventory management system of VRP allows the update of the database with the scanned items at a later time, without the need to freeze the inventory and without the need to close the doors. Every physical scanned item performed using the wireless scanner, and every item sold at the Point Of Sale, is recorded with a time stamp, therefore, Visual Retail Plus is capable of calculating the result of the physical inventory with minimal work interruption.

The retailer receives a report on demand at any point of time during or after the process of the beginning inventory, ending on hand including details and total quantity adjusted with items description, department, cost, and retail.

For more information on Visual Retail Plus, go to Pos Software .

Apparel Point of Sale to Your inventory management

When deciding on a Point of Sale system, there are many factors one has to account for. Is it more than a glorified Cash Register? Does it perform inventory Apparel point of salemanagement? Does the software include reporting, management, CRM tools etc. There are as many concerns as there are storefronts lining any main street in any town.

The list of considerations is staggering. Just as important as any of these concerns is the question of how to handle apparel. The Inventory management of clothes and shoes react differently than traditional commercial items. When it comes to soft goods, one product or style can have a complete host of sizes, colors and descriptions. A system needs to be designed with this in mind.

Visual Retail Plus grew out of a need for a graphical program to handle, maintain and track the fashions peddled by some of New York City’s most fiercely independent retail pioneers. Over the past 2 decades the company has graduated to dominating local pockets of activity to stores from coast to coast, and most recently has grown some strong roots overseas. Maintaining intersecting size scales and color palettes was planned for VRP since its inception. I addition to how the goods must be handled differently, apparel customers require a special handling all to themselves. By working hand in hand with those same Independent retailers, the engineers at VRP have crafted a solution that addresses their needs, and continues to grow with them. Loyalty programs and house accounts are superb, but complicated clients being able to sort trending reports on styles, seasons, and colors purchased by your most finicky fashionistas, is what would keep them coming back to your store over and over.

Point of sale for clothesIn the ever changing clothing industry, items tend to come and go quickly, it is vital to track every aspect of this whirlwind of the meeting of commerce and high fashion. Cashiers also need tools for finding clothing and shoes that go beyond SKUs and numbers. Being a graphical interface, the ability to see photos for identifying stock or cross referencing a different color in the same style allow the sales representative to offer an entirely different level of customer service. Customer relation and retention is a breeze with VRP. Integrated credit card, gift card management, Purchase Orders, Barcode tag generation, User definable fields, and many more are features that have always been a part of VRP, and for any clothing or shoe store, you can use as much or as little of the program as you wish. It is a full featured program with no hidden costs, or bait and switch packages. In the Realm of Shoes and clothing, the software, Visual Retail Plus has no equal. We don’t just install our software on your computers, at VRP, We Install Confidence!

For more information on Visual Retail Plus go to .

Pos software one of best thing to maintain your inventory correctly these days. If your are seeking Point of sale for clothes, Apparel point of salesystem to your shops, firm, companies, then visit to Visual retail plus.

Visual Retail Plus and Point of Sale Touch Screens

Touch screen technology has come a long way. People have forgotten how exotic the technology they see and use everyday once was.Visual Retail Plus has from the beginning been designed hand in hand with touch screens. This technology will allow the end user, regardless of technical knowledge to use and operate a screen touch in a point of sale environment. It also creates a comfortable and easy to use experience. Visual Retail Plus’ software with the combination of a pointof sale touch screen can have a variety of benefits.

One of the many benefits of using a screen touch in a point of sale is the ease of use. Users who are not experienced from a technical aspect will have easier time learning. Pointing at what you want is a gesture that most people can naturally correlate to. This makes it easy for the end user because people’s sense of touch allows a stronger connection to promote learning and remembering information.The use of a keyboard and mouse is eliminated and can therefore give the inexperienced user a more comfortable approach. The interface is limited to what essentially needs to be there and can also be user specific. A retail owner can be assured that a pos software system will be beneficial by reducing training time.On the other hand an experienced user can still take advantage of a point of sale touch screen.

Point of sale screen touch solutions offer many space saving benefits as well. All- In-One screen touch point of sale machines has the advantage in design because they can be placed on existing retail displays. Not only do they save space but are rugged in design and versatile. Point of sale touch screens also fit in an areawith limited space without sacrificing any peripherals. Therefore store owners will be pleased to have options on placement as well as conserve counter space.

Another benefit of having a screen touch is happier customers. Customers will be checked out with speed and efficiency. This is because touch screen point of sale systems make checkout fast for the customer and the cashier. Customers hate long lines and cashiers don’t like to deal with frustrated customers. The cashier is able to provide better service and get a customer in and out quickly.

Screen touch point of sale have lots of benefits for more information on Visual Retail Plus go to us.

Visual retail plus offers Point of sale touch screen system to keep your customer happy, Because VRP used latest technology in Touch screen point of sale that can check out quickly. It has lots of benefits to know more visit to us now.