The Importance of a Computerized Point of Sale in the Apparel Industry

Imagine this: You have a small family business of a few stores selling high end apparel, shoes, and possibly accessories. Your goal is to have good products, at margin that you can live with, and loyal customers that like your stores because of the selection and the service. Point of sale for clothes

Mrs. Smith comes to visit, sees the dress that is perfect for her next event, and wants to know if you have it in her size (as an expert, you know the size, and need quickly to check if it is available). With a managed inventory of the cloths that you sell, the answer is immediate, accurate and satisfying. The apparel point of sale connects to your server that is constantly updated by the other stores, and you tell Mrs. Smith that the dress is available, or is available at another location and can be sent to her home to try it on.

A good apparel point of sale, combined with a good salesperson, will also provide information to Mrs. Smith about the matching accessories, matching shoes (and their available sizes) and similar colors that may not be displayed on the sales floor.

Same rules apply for any type of merchandise, including shoes, hats, belts, jewelry and any item that comes in different variations of size, color, width, inseam, length etc.

In addition to the ability to tell the customer what is available, a good point of sale system will recommend the retailer regarding inter-store transfers. Considering the volume of sales and percentage of items sold, the system can come with recommendations for merchandise transfer, making sure that a complete size scale is available wherever possible, consider buying habits by style and color when the stores are located in concentrations of different ethnic groups etc.

The saving of time, better service provided, knowing exactly what to transfer between locations, knowing what your customer habits are, each one and all combined, can be analyzed and come up with a smart ordering system.

The apparel point of sale is a tool that reports to the main data depository at headquarters, where purchase orders are created. The biggest dilemma of a retailer is what to order or re-order. Having a chain of stores makes it impossible to order by the hunch correctly. In this competitive time, a piece of inventory that was not sold in time may never be sold for profit, and the path to minimizing the painful excess inventory starts with smart ordering. The only way to scientifically order the right quantities from the right sizes, colors, and departments, is to have intelligent, modern apparel and shoes point of sale system (POS).

On top of all that, if a retailer uses eCommerce and sells to the big markets like Amazon, knowing the availability of merchandise is critical.

When an item sold can’t be delivered, the retailer’s rating dives sharply, and may be banned from the greatest markets, a controlled inventory system, where updates are driven and funneled from the apparel and shoes point of sale computerized system to the main server and from there uploaded to the markets, keeps everybody happy; the retailer, the customer and the markets.

Mrs. Smith tried the dress on at home, liked it, was very happy, came to the store to pay and added a beautiful pearl necklace with matching earrings, and a pair of knee-high winter boots. Everybody is happy.

Visual retail plus one of the best place to get the computerized Apparel point of sale, Point of sale for clothes industry. If you re seeking best point of sale retail software then visit to VRP for more info.

Point of Sale Touch Screens System For Retailers

In today’s fast paced word, ease of use and time management is important. Who has the time to stay on the register at a store as the clerk is trying to use a keyboard and mouse to ring your items up? So how can you fix this? Point of Sales Touch Screen System. Point of sale touch screen system is retail software designed to work with or without the use of keyboard or mouse and can be navigated with just few touches on the screen. Just imagine coming up to a register, and the clerk just touches the screen a few times and your item is displayed and asking for a payment.

There is no fumbling with the mouse or keyboard, trying to see where the mouse pointer is or if you are typing in the correct field. Companies such as Visual Retail Plus develop such application for retailers. The ease and setup of the program can be compared to that of a touch tablet. You have icons that have their own functions and perform as needed. No complex commands or knowledge of the computer itself needed to navigate and use the system. Having a touch screen and no keyboard or mouse is also a security improvement on the Point of Sale system.

The touch screen enables you to use only what is on the screen itself, where as having access to a keyboard can cause issues. Another point of interest is the time saved when training new employees on how to use the Point of Sale machine. All the clerk has to do is start the program, log in and go. Visual Retail Plus offers training videos on their site, which show you just some of the features they provide and how to use them. Do not think that just because the touch screen system is made to be easy to use, that it does not provide business solutions to run your retail store.

Point of sale touch screen, inventory matrix for your store and all your other store locations, employee information and time clock, and loss prevention is just a scratch of the functions that can be performed in the system. Security rights can be assigned to different employees or employee groups that allows them to access only certain areas of the program and lets you rest peacefully knowing your money and inventory is safe. If you are a retailer, and do not use a touch screen point of sale, it is something I would recommend thinking over as it does help the business a lot.

Retail Point of Sale and Managing Your Business

Is Retail point of sale an important factor for the future of business? Point of sale retail software was created to carry out a mission. Every organization must find the best way to manage, receive, and transmit information. Retail point of sale software consists of resources that include a computer, monitor, cash drawer, receipt printer, customer display and a barcode scanner. Retail point of sale software goes hand in hand with hardware to aid in the management of information. Technology has become a natural part of everyday life in the society of today. The technology that is at the fingertips of people today was not always a norm. The rapid development and progression of retail POS software has aided the retail world in various aspects and will continue in the future.

A desirable goal for any business is to increase profits and productivity. Retail stores must manage their information. Using retail point of sale software gives business owners a competitive edge. The software will lead the operation and allow users to get more accomplished. Retail POS software, if utilized correctly can make a business organized and help reduce costs along with increasing profits. Reports that can be viewed consist of but are not limited to inventory changes, sales by sales reps, customer sales, accounts payable, accounts receivable, associated items, purchases vs. sales, and profit reports. The use of Visual Retail Plus’ inventory system can more accurately track inventory levels which can be a crucial factor in a business’ success.

Increasing speed and productivity can be enabled by the use of retail point of sale software inventory management system. A good system can help show what is selling well and how many to keep in stock. Retail POS software can be used to show what products are selling slower and allow for planning orders accordingly. Items are not overstocked and customers do not have to wait for products. Reducing costs have been just as essential as gaining revenue and using Visual Retail Plus can help achieve both. Lower costs are a result of efficient management of information. Every business owner wants better coordination than their competitors, which allows for lower costs and making the customer happy by saving their hard earned dollars.

All in one POS solutions have been in increasing in use because of the seamless integration. It is developed to provide a complete and total retail point of sale software experience. Printers are bundled within the packaged all in one solutions and store owners are assured that the hardware can handle what the software expects. An all in one retail POS system allows for a quick and easy checkout. All of the benefits that are included must be used to the extent of the capabilities present. If businesses are committed to getting the most from their investment, Visual Retail Plus is here.

Visual Retail Plus offers Retail point of sale software with advanced features to maintain your all sale inventory quickly. If you are seeking Retail POS software to your store then visit to VRP for more info.

Visual Retail Plus Point of Sale retail software with Multiple Payment Options

The point of sale retail system is an excellent tool for any type of retail business. Point Of Sales software offers many options and tools for ease of use. By using the Point of Sale software for retail, you are just a touch away from ringing up your sales, entering customer data, and creating receipts and invoices.

With the customization provided by Visual Retail Plus, Inc. your wish list will be fulfilled. Your personal logo is used to complete that professional touch and any special needs can be accommodated.touch-screen-point-of-sale-system

With the Point of Sales retail software you can scan your orders with the easy-to-use scanners or manually enter them. Then with just a touch of your finger you can check out, redeem store credit, or put items on layaway. You can discount the items, use coupons, or place items on hold for your customers.

Offering your customers discounts is just as easy as ringing up the sale. On the main point of sale screen there is a discount button which when activated allows the user to enter a discounted price either by percentage, dollar amount or by changing the cost of the item by setting a new price.

Included in the Point of Sales retail solution are the Gift Card buttons. On the front point of sales screen you can sell a gift card or redeem a gift card. To sell a gift card, click the button, enter the customer information and include the amount. Click the Checkout button, chose your method of payment and your transaction is complete. Scan the gift card and the amount is loaded into the card ready for use.

To redeem a gift card, just scan the card, enter the sales items and click Checkout. It is truly that easy.

Returning items through the Point Of Sale retail software is just as easy as purchasing them. If the return is with the receipt, just scan the receipt and with a touch of your finger you can choose which items are being returned and can issue a refund of cash, give the customer store credit or refund their credit cards. If your customer forgot or lost their receipt don’t worry about it, when using the point of sales retail system all your data is stored and you can scan in the SKU number or manually enter it into the system and complete your returns. A receipt will be issued detailing which items were returned including which receipt number it is referencing.

The Point of Sale retail software offers every type of payment options. With a click of a button or buttons you can choose one method of payment which we refer to as MOP or multiple methods of payments. Point of Sale retail allows you to ring up your customers using credit cards, cash, store credit, gift cards, and/or checks. You can choose multiple methods of payments if necessary when utilizing the point of sales software.

Visual Retail Plus has friendly and helpful technician on staff that is knowledgeable in the point of sales system and can resolve your questions and concerns in a timely manner. Contact someone today to start using our point of sales retail system and make your life easier and accurate.