VRP launches POS for clothes and shoes retail business

“VRP’s POS software solutions help shoes and clothes retailers to fully integrate and optimize their e-commerce sites”

Hackensack, New Jersey, January, 2013-Visual Retail Plus’s all powerful and scalable POS (point of sale) software applications allow retailers of shoes and apparels to customize and integrate their e-stores with their physical stores. In other words standalone retailers and retail networks-both small and medium, are able to coordinate their e-shop’s inventory operations and point of sales functionalities with their real time stores.

Visual Retail Plus takes pride in proclaiming that they are the front line supplier of POS and inventory management software applications in New Jersey and they have been engaged by top notch retailers dealing in the vertical Point of sale for clothesdomains of apparels and shoes.

There were many retailers and vendors in New Jersey and New York that had well established shops and outlets particularly retailing in footwear and clothing. They had been doing roaring business since long and also had their e-commerce sites that catered to the shopping needs of online customers. But they were losing out to their adversaries as far as online sales were concerned as their e-stores were more navigable and were engineered by the state of the art inventory management and POS software.

Their competitors were able to have a better hold over all facets of their business because their customized sites allowed them to strongly supervise sale and inventory interfaces. They could safeguard sensitive data like customers’ banking and personal details due to installation of 128-bit SSL security encryptions on their computer network servers, and ensure transparency in online transactions and offering the shopper complete leeway for a quick and convenient checkout that enhanced his virtual shopping experience.

Visual Retail Plus offers MSE (medium and small enterprises) retailers and vendors as well as retail networks and chains Windows oriented point of sale retail software applications’ solutions. The procedure or modus operandi allows a typical proprietor of a retail chain to remain in touch with all his retail outlets located at various places almost on a real time basis. The vendor gets the most updated information pertaining to sales as well as the inventory position.

The retailer is able to harness this module and keep tabs on all the functionalities in his e-store even when the system is turned off or it cannot connect to the Internet. The VRP’s “Inventory Matrix” is a potential yet incredibly straightforward that allows for effecting inventory modifications on one hand and execute operations without even rebooting the EDP (electronic data processing) system. The versatile POS software application also does away with the need to use different platforms. The resourceful software solutions provided by VRP are fully scalable and can be customized by the retailer to gain complete control over his e-commerce site.

About VRP

VRP was incorporated in 1991 and developed an innovative DOS (disc operating system) for footwear outlets. Gradually it went on to build on this module and pioneered the development of touch screen technology that helped retailers across a wide range of vertical markets to dextrously manage their cash registers, oversee inventory, and ultimately increase sales and revenues just with a gentle tap on the screen. VRP’s flexible e-commerce software allows retailers in numerous vertical markets to fully optimize their e-store functionalities. This customization allows the user to systemize purchase orders, receive supplies, allocate the same to outlets, create shipping invoices, modify prices, issue bar codes, and classify inventory and do much more.

Retailers can visit http://www.visualretailplus.com/ for complete details.

Visual Retail Plus Inventory Management System

Inventory management is a key reason for cost reduction. Having just-enough inventory to offer customers purchases need, brings the customers over and again back to the store. A disappointment shopper that made it all the way just to find out that the needed size is sold out, will drive the customer to the competition and might result in a lost customer forever.

To ensure accuracy and continuous customer satisfaction, a smart retailer can create smallest and largest level, aka Red Level and Max level. VRP (Visual Retail Plus) inventory management software provides the tools to automatically generate these levels, and takes the calculation burden and the time-consuming process off the buyer.

To generate the needed levels, Visual Retail Plus calculates the pace of selling in the selected period, the time that it takes to get new merchandise from the vendor, and creates a level for each item to the smallest detail of color, size and other dimensions if exist.

Once the inventory management system of Visual Retail Plus is applied, the buyer can create an order based on the levels created by the inventory management software. There are 2 options to handle the orders: One is to ask across the board all items that went below the red level, and the other, to ask filling order level into already selected items existing on a particular PO. During this process, the same items that went below the least level are checked to see it they exist on another order and eliminating duplicate ordering. An important factor added to Visual Retail plus Inventory Management system is the consideration for other by orders’ cancel date. When creating an order, the buyer can dictate that an order with a cancel date in the far future is not considered as on-order.

However, Inventory Management using just computer software is not enough. Inventory gets lost, misplaced and unfortunately stolen. As a result, the ordering level may be inaccurate, automatic ask for transfer between locations generates requests that can’t be fulfilled, and customer satisfaction becomes questionable. It is imperative that physical inventory count (stock-take) is performed periodically. Visual Retail Plus provides means to do physical counting with superb accuracy, and provides men-power equipped with wireless bar code scanner, and an expert with them to complete a successful count.

The inventory management system of VRP allows the update of the database with the scanned items at a later time, without the need to freeze the inventory and without the need to close the doors. Every physical scanned item performed using the wireless scanner, and every item sold at the Point Of Sale, is recorded with a time stamp, therefore, Visual Retail Plus is capable of calculating the result of the physical inventory with minimal work interruption.

The retailer receives a report on demand at any point of time during or after the process of the beginning inventory, ending on hand including details and total quantity adjusted with items description, department, cost, and retail.

For more information on Visual Retail Plus, go to Pos Software .

Visual Retail Plus Point of Sale and Inventory Management Software

Visual Retail Plus Point of Sale and Inventory ManagementSoftware was designed with the customer’s needs in mind.  It is perfectly suited for a wide range of vertical markets, including apparel, shoes, jewelry, sporting goods, gifts and more.

Inventory Management.
Inventory Management.

Who should use inventory management software?  All retailers- since all store owners look for the most efficient and effective tracking system of their inventory.  Many tasks that have been previously done manually can be easily achieved by a click of a button.  Visual Retail Plus can help you save a great deal of time and money for your business, allowing users to re-order merchandise before it has become fully sold out.

With the implementation of inventory management software, you can control stock levels and supervise the transfer of merchandise from one location to another, allowing for better decision making as to which goods should be stocked at which times of the year.  Monitoring product sales and stock levels allows a lower risk of inventory needing to be returned.   In addition, inaccurate reporting in a company’s inventory can result in under or over-purchasing of goods for sale or use, leaving room for loss. The under-purchased inventory runs out and stops profit from sale of that item and over-producing causes stock overage that can go to waste.

Visual Retail Plus offers a complete Point of Sale and Inventory Management software saving the retailer vast amounts of money by keeping production running smoothly and accurately.  Our “Close to Real Time” mechanism allows various locations to get up to date information from other locations regarding sales and inventory status, allowing for current merchandise lockup from any store location. Our 3-dimensional (size/color/width) inventory matrix is a simple and powerful module from which any inventory changes can be made without the need to access different modules.  Some functions include receiving of merchandise, distribution between stores, creation of shipping manifests, price changes, printing of bar code tags and labels, changing and maintenance of size scales, colors & widths, along with a the creation of purchase orders and an “Open to Buy” budgeting module, and much more.

Visual Retail Plus also offers a robust reporting module providing the information your business needs for steady control of your merchandise including:

Profit and Loss

Recommended inter-store transfers based on store performance by percent or item quantity

Best to worst seller by product, size, color, vendor, group or more

On hand by date

Purchase order detailed and summarized report

Stock Value and location

Busy Hours analysis

Sales by any summary

Reports include multiple sales periods, profit and margins, turnover and receiving

Among many other reports.  To view some sample reports and screen shots, visit our site at:  http://visualretailplus.com/screenShots.asp#

Whether you own a single store or multi-store operation, Visual Retail Plus is tailored to meet your business requirements.  Our strength lies in our capability to plan the perfect system to fit each specific business.